
An Introduction to Webmention

Webmention is a technology that allows a website to be notified when another website links to it. It can be used as a simple and privacy-friendly analytics tool to find out where visitors might come from (for example if there is a notable increase in visitors after another blog links to yours). It also enables you to showcase “other blogs that linked to this post”-like elements on your blog posts, to suggest related posts to your readers.

This article explores how Webmention works, and how to set it up.

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Highly Inefficient Ways to Store Images in CSS

If you regularly work with CSS, chances are that you have referenced images from CSS code. Usually, this is done with the url() function, which takes a URL for an image file or directly embeds a base64 encoded image.
But what can we do if these approaches are not exotic enough for our tastes? What if rendering images like this is just too easy and does not have a big enough performance impact? Well, you are in luck. This article explores silly ways to embed images using CSS.

Read 'Highly Inefficient Ways to Store Images in CSS'

Gender-Diverse Forms

At some point in your life, you probably had to fill out a form that asked for your gender. Most forms
tend to have limited options for specifying gender, ranging from a dropdown with ‘female’, ‘male’, and
sometimes ‘other’ to things like two radio buttons to pick either ‘female’ or ‘male’.
This can be frustrating for people who don’t fit into either of these categories. Even if an option for ‘other’ is available, this crams together many wildly different gender identities into one category.

This article discusses how we can avoid these issues.

Read 'Gender-Diverse Forms'

It's All in My <head>

Recently I did some research on the current best practices for the contents of the head tag of an HTML document. Below you can find a detailed breakdown of how it should be structured.

Read 'It's All in My <head>'