Fancy Neon Text Effects with CSS

This article describes how to use CSS to make text look like neon signs. You can see the result in my CodePen showcasing this effect.

The core of this technique is using the CSS property text-shadow with multiple layers and a saturated color. The text-shadow is not used for an actual shadow, but the blurred and colorful glow effect around the text.
Each line in the value of the property represents one of the radii of the glow (for example, the first part of the value creates a “shadow” with a 10px radius). We want the inner shadows to be a brighter version of the color or even white, while the outer ones have a less bright version of the color.

body {
	/* Use a dark background to make the neon text stand out */
	background-color: #424242;

.neon-text {
	color: #ffffff;
	 * Start with very bright inner shadows,
	 * and get less bright towards the outside
		0 0 10px #ffffff,
		0 0 20px #ffffff,
		0 0 30px #ffffff,
		0 0 40px #228dff,
		0 0 70px #228dff,
		0 0 80px #228dff,
		0 0 100px #228dff,
		0 0 150px #228dff;

This is then combined with some CSS animations to make it look more realistic and “pulsating”. The animation attribute and corresponding @keyframes allow animating the text-shadow:

.neon-text {
	color: #ffffff;
		0 0 10px #ffffff,
		0 0 20px #ffffff,
		0 0 30px #ffffff,
		0 0 40px #ff1177,
		0 0 70px #ff1177,
		0 0 80px #ff1177,
		0 0 100px #ff1177,
		0 0 150px #ff1177;

     * Specifies the keyframe rule name, the duration, an optional easing
     * and that we want to animation to be repeated infinitely,
     * going back and forth. 
	animation: neon-animation 1.5s ease-in-out infinite alternate;

/* Keyframe rule for going from larger radii to smaller ones. */
@keyframes neon-animation {
	from {
			0 0 10px #ffffff,
			0 0 20px #ffffff,
			0 0 30px #ffffff,
			0 0 40px #ff1177,
			0 0 70px #ff1177,
			0 0 80px #ff1177,
			0 0 100px #ff1177,
			0 0 150px #ff1177;
	to {
			0 0 5px #ffffff,
			0 0 10px #ffffff,
			0 0 15px #ffffff,
			0 0 20px #ff1177,
			0 0 35px #ff1177,
			0 0 40px #ff1177,
			0 0 50px #ff1177,
			0 0 75px #ff1177;